Thursday, September 1, 2011

How About Some Honor?

We have elected people to represent us as a group because we cannot in an effective manner represent ourselves individually. We chose those who basically pass an interview-like process when they campaign. We collectively ask them questions which are important to us. Our elected officials answer them as well as they can. And when they are elected they seem to lose their memory and forget how they answered our questions. Once they are elected they lose their honor.

Honor, it seems, has been lost to history or has been relegated to movies and books. I know my voice is small and the reach of this blog is even smaller, but I implore our politicians to find their honor. The leaders we have chosen are beginning to look like the politicians of third world countries. They are now at the rhetorical level equivalent to that of shoe throwing anti-American Muslim ideologues.

There are plenty of examples of this all over the internet. There are numerous democrats quoted as saying some very incendiary things. They accuse the Republican Party and more specifically the Tea Party movement of being racist and of wanting to see black people as second class citizens. This is not only false, but utterly inflammatory.

In closing, I just want to say that we can all do our part to regain our collective honor. If there is a dishonorable person that is up for re-election we should not vote for him or her and send everyone a message that such behavior will not be tolerated. 


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