Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Obama’s Failures

1. “Stimulus”: after nearly a trillion dollars wasted on bailouts the economy is still floundering like a fish out of water.
2. Promises: as we all know he has yet to make good on any of his campaign promises.  (I don’t mind this because I am against most of his policies)
3. Leadership: on every issue that has faced us since he took office he has failed to lead or even show a willingness to take a leadership role.
4. Duties: it seems like every time you look for the president you have to look in a golf course or at a vacation spot for the rich and famous.
5. Responsibility: he has yet to take any responsibility for anything. He has blamed everything and everyone including members of his own party.
6. Credibility: he can’t be believed because every time he says something it goes against what Americans are experiencing. He says that his administration is creating jobs yet the unemployment rate keeps climbing.
7. Diplomacy: he gets two big thumbs down for betraying Israel and befriending Hezbollah.
8. Hope: He ran on a promise of hope and change and all he brought was despair and tired old politics.
9. Inspiration: The President of The United States of America is, and traditionally has, inspired a nation to greatness. The only thing this president has inspired is the demanding from the whimpering entitlement-minded leftists that would love to see this great country fall into the death grip of communism.
10.  Pursuit of Happiness: The Declaration of Independence grants us the right to the pursuit of happiness, but thanks to the president and the democrats in government that right has been whittled away to such an extent that happiness seems too far off for most us to achieve.


Monday, August 15, 2011

I Do Not Like This Uncle Sam

I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like his health care scam.
I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books.
I do not like when Congress steals, I do not like their secret deals.
I do not like ex-speaker Nan, I do not like this 'YES WE CAN.'
I do not like this spending spree, I'm smart, I know that nothing's free.
I do not like their smug replies, when I complain about their lies.
I do not like this kind of hope. I do not like it. nope, nope, nope.

I looked for the source so that I may credit the person responsible, but I was unable to find it.
I thought it was pretty cool.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

And Then There Were…

On the morning after the Iowa Straw Poll Tim Pawlenty has bowed out of the presidential race. The candidate for the presidency finished in third place in the poll behind Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul.

In a field of ten candidates plus a place for “other” candidates the results were as follows:

Michele Bachmann             28.65%    4823 votes
Ron Paul                              27.74%    4671 votes
Tim Pawlenty                      13.62%     2293 votes
Rick Santorum                     9.84%      1657 votes
Herman Cain                       8.65%      1456 votes
Rick Perry                            4.26%      567 votes
Mitt Romney                         3.37%      567 votes
Newt Gingrich                      2.29%      385 votes
Other                                    0.96%      162 votes
Jon Huntsman                     0.41%      69 votes
Thad McCotter                    0.21%      35 votes

With Tim Pawlenty out of the race, that leaves nine named candidates from this poll. There are quite a few others that have thrown their hats into the ring, but they aren’t worth considering. They are the fringe element and maybe just seeking publicity and a story they may one day tell their grandchildren.

Out of the nine remaining, three others should stop wasting their time, money and resources: Thad McCotter, Jon Huntsman, and Newt Gingrich.  The first two couldn’t even get a half of a percent of the voters to cast their votes for them. The third is the interesting one. Newt Gingrich has experience to spare. However, he came off as just a grumpy old man in the debate leading up to the poll. He seemed to be angry to be there, angry to have to answer questions and miffed with his competition. And let’s not forget that his campaign has been a train wreck with his staffers quitting en mass then another mass exodus of his fund raising team. With these three and Tim Pawlenty out of the race we will start to get a clearer picture of what is in store for us.

One thing of note here is the fact that Rick Perry had not yet declared himself a candidate and still placed sixth in front of Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. In a less than gentlemanly way Rick Perry announced his candidacy on the same day that Michele Bachmann was pronounced the winner of the Iowa Straw Poll. He should have been gracious and let Michele Bachmann have her day.

Bachmann – Rubio in 2012?

It is going to be a wild ride for the next few months.


Friday, August 12, 2011

Republic vs. Democracy

The United States of America is NOT a democracy. I know that everyone believe it is, but it in reality it is not. This country has never been a democracy. Our country is a republic. Nowhere in the Pledge of Allegiance does the word democracy exist. Nor does it exist anywhere in both The Constitution of the United States of America or the Declaration of Independence. Further, it doesn’t appear in any of the constitutions of all the fifty states.

Here is the whole Pledge of Allegiance:
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

I cannot speak eloquently enough to make this all too important point. So I found an excellent video to make it for me. I know it’s a little bit long, but it is worth every second.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Speeches? We Don’t Need No Stinking Speeches

Recently we have had quite a few national events. Events ranging from the debt issue to floods and the shooting down of a U.S. military helicopter. All these events have one thing in common; they all demand action. Action that has to come from the highest office in the nation, the president needs to act.

Although these events and many more require action from all fronts, the person who has the power to get something done has been, perhaps, sitting on his hands. The president has failed to act time and time again. Instead, he takes to the airwaves and makes speeches. He even has called for network time to announce that nothing is being done. What kind of leader does this? Also, he has made the majority of his speeches the platform for scolding his political opponents. He now holds the distinction of making the most speeches and also the most inept person to hold the office of the president of United States.

Americans have always been people of action. If there is a problem we jump into action to find a solution. We don’t get on a soap box and make speeches. When a neighbor needs help we lend a hand. We do not walk up to a microphone and pontificate about the possible problem or the lack of merit in the proposed solutions.
We are living in an unprecedented time. There are increasingly more complex issues facing us each day and they all demand action not words. Perhaps the old adage is true; actions speak louder than words.  

The time for speeches is long gone. Now is the time to act.

I am sure I will be acting to change the status quo on the next Election Day.

Obama must be a one-term president!



Monday, August 8, 2011

Geithner Has Got To Go

Over the past few months we have heard so much about the debt ceiling and the possibility of having the nation’s credit rating down-graded. We have heard from everyone on all sides of the issue. Well, we heard from everyone save for Timothy Geithner. We should have heard more from this guy than any other. Why is he so important to this problem? Simply, he is the United States Secretary of The Treasury.

Geithner, following in Obama’s footsteps, has proven to be lacking leadership skills and independent thought. He has taken no positive action in this issue. This is just another page from Obama’s book; inaction.

As I write this, Obama is finishing up a speech and backing Geithner.  Obama’s speech and his backing of Geithner are already having an effect on the stock market. The market opened and quickly lost about 300 points. As soon as Obama finished his speech the market went down another 200 points. This administration is a hideous, deformed leviathan that the democrats only want to grow bigger and more distorted. There is a solution for that; make Obama a one term president.

Geithner should step down from his position and let someone competent take over. Oh, but if it was only that easy. It isn’t easy because Obama would insist on inserting one of his yes-men in to the position. 


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Way to Go Obama

Obama’s lack of leadership and his inaction on the debt ceiling has led us to the worst two weeks in the stock market since 2008. The last 9 0f 10 trading day the Dow Jones Industrial Average has ended in negative numbers. Punctuated by the 513 point loss today, altogether the Dow Jones Industrial average has lost 1300 points or 10.5%. Without a true leader in the White House and strong backing from the Senate and the House of Representatives, we will continue to flounder as a nation and world financial power.
Do Obama and his democratic henchmen not understand that in order to pay for all of their socialist programs they need to create an environment conducive to businesses and job creation?  Without businesses and jobs to pay taxes their programs can’t be funded. Is Obama really that nescient or is he just too stubborn and ideological to realize this? It is pretty straight forward; you tax businesses and individual so the more businesses and individuals there are who pay taxes the more revenue. The solution seems simple enough for a fifth-grader with a lemonade stand to understand, why he doesn’t understand.
This president and his cronies are hell-bent on destroying the very thing that built this country; free enterprise.
Way to go Obama, first you kill business growth, then jobs, and further you devalue our currency, and now you kill our economy. You are without a doubt the worst president this nation has seen.


Monday, August 1, 2011


In the past week democrats and republicans have been battling over the debt ceiling and which approach is best. Both parties were placing blame on each other. Speaker of the House John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid were on the front lines of the battle. They were in the forefront of the debate. They each were responsible for submitting debt plans and they both did so. All this was making headline news for week, and in particular last week. One glaring absentee was Barack Obama. In one of the worst debt debates where was Obama? He was nowhere to be found. What’s worse is that he himself did not weigh in on the debate with a plan of his own.  Then finally a deal was reached and still no sight of Obama. What kind of leader does this? What leader would let his subordinates handle the most important responsibilities? Some may say that he is delegating responsibility. But when a leader assigns responsibility then is nowhere to be found when there is need for his intervening, well then, that’s when it becomes a failure of leadership.
Obama is now, in the eyes of a growing number of people, the worst president in our nation’s history. That distinction was reserved for Jimmy Carter since his term in office. Carter was known for inaction and incompetence. Obama is making Carter look good. Obama has failed in every aspect of his job. He has infamously gone golfing more than any other president. Perhaps that is a good thing; if he is golfing he can’t screw anything up at the office. He made so many promises to get elected and hasn’t made good on any of them. He has done so poorly that even the union leaders have started to back away and distance themselves from him. Obama is perhaps the most incompetent president ever. He is so bad that even members of his own party can’t and won’t count on him. During the debate no democrats called on him for advice. What does that say about the man and his party? I believe it says that there is a lack of confidence within the party’s leadership and a complete abandonment for the president.
It will indeed be a sad day and a sad commentary on our collective intelligence if he should be re-elected.
