Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Speeches? We Don’t Need No Stinking Speeches

Recently we have had quite a few national events. Events ranging from the debt issue to floods and the shooting down of a U.S. military helicopter. All these events have one thing in common; they all demand action. Action that has to come from the highest office in the nation, the president needs to act.

Although these events and many more require action from all fronts, the person who has the power to get something done has been, perhaps, sitting on his hands. The president has failed to act time and time again. Instead, he takes to the airwaves and makes speeches. He even has called for network time to announce that nothing is being done. What kind of leader does this? Also, he has made the majority of his speeches the platform for scolding his political opponents. He now holds the distinction of making the most speeches and also the most inept person to hold the office of the president of United States.

Americans have always been people of action. If there is a problem we jump into action to find a solution. We don’t get on a soap box and make speeches. When a neighbor needs help we lend a hand. We do not walk up to a microphone and pontificate about the possible problem or the lack of merit in the proposed solutions.
We are living in an unprecedented time. There are increasingly more complex issues facing us each day and they all demand action not words. Perhaps the old adage is true; actions speak louder than words.  

The time for speeches is long gone. Now is the time to act.

I am sure I will be acting to change the status quo on the next Election Day.

Obama must be a one-term president!



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