Monday, August 8, 2011

Geithner Has Got To Go

Over the past few months we have heard so much about the debt ceiling and the possibility of having the nation’s credit rating down-graded. We have heard from everyone on all sides of the issue. Well, we heard from everyone save for Timothy Geithner. We should have heard more from this guy than any other. Why is he so important to this problem? Simply, he is the United States Secretary of The Treasury.

Geithner, following in Obama’s footsteps, has proven to be lacking leadership skills and independent thought. He has taken no positive action in this issue. This is just another page from Obama’s book; inaction.

As I write this, Obama is finishing up a speech and backing Geithner.  Obama’s speech and his backing of Geithner are already having an effect on the stock market. The market opened and quickly lost about 300 points. As soon as Obama finished his speech the market went down another 200 points. This administration is a hideous, deformed leviathan that the democrats only want to grow bigger and more distorted. There is a solution for that; make Obama a one term president.

Geithner should step down from his position and let someone competent take over. Oh, but if it was only that easy. It isn’t easy because Obama would insist on inserting one of his yes-men in to the position. 


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