Monday, August 1, 2011


In the past week democrats and republicans have been battling over the debt ceiling and which approach is best. Both parties were placing blame on each other. Speaker of the House John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid were on the front lines of the battle. They were in the forefront of the debate. They each were responsible for submitting debt plans and they both did so. All this was making headline news for week, and in particular last week. One glaring absentee was Barack Obama. In one of the worst debt debates where was Obama? He was nowhere to be found. What’s worse is that he himself did not weigh in on the debate with a plan of his own.  Then finally a deal was reached and still no sight of Obama. What kind of leader does this? What leader would let his subordinates handle the most important responsibilities? Some may say that he is delegating responsibility. But when a leader assigns responsibility then is nowhere to be found when there is need for his intervening, well then, that’s when it becomes a failure of leadership.
Obama is now, in the eyes of a growing number of people, the worst president in our nation’s history. That distinction was reserved for Jimmy Carter since his term in office. Carter was known for inaction and incompetence. Obama is making Carter look good. Obama has failed in every aspect of his job. He has infamously gone golfing more than any other president. Perhaps that is a good thing; if he is golfing he can’t screw anything up at the office. He made so many promises to get elected and hasn’t made good on any of them. He has done so poorly that even the union leaders have started to back away and distance themselves from him. Obama is perhaps the most incompetent president ever. He is so bad that even members of his own party can’t and won’t count on him. During the debate no democrats called on him for advice. What does that say about the man and his party? I believe it says that there is a lack of confidence within the party’s leadership and a complete abandonment for the president.
It will indeed be a sad day and a sad commentary on our collective intelligence if he should be re-elected.


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