Thursday, August 4, 2011

Way to Go Obama

Obama’s lack of leadership and his inaction on the debt ceiling has led us to the worst two weeks in the stock market since 2008. The last 9 0f 10 trading day the Dow Jones Industrial Average has ended in negative numbers. Punctuated by the 513 point loss today, altogether the Dow Jones Industrial average has lost 1300 points or 10.5%. Without a true leader in the White House and strong backing from the Senate and the House of Representatives, we will continue to flounder as a nation and world financial power.
Do Obama and his democratic henchmen not understand that in order to pay for all of their socialist programs they need to create an environment conducive to businesses and job creation?  Without businesses and jobs to pay taxes their programs can’t be funded. Is Obama really that nescient or is he just too stubborn and ideological to realize this? It is pretty straight forward; you tax businesses and individual so the more businesses and individuals there are who pay taxes the more revenue. The solution seems simple enough for a fifth-grader with a lemonade stand to understand, why he doesn’t understand.
This president and his cronies are hell-bent on destroying the very thing that built this country; free enterprise.
Way to go Obama, first you kill business growth, then jobs, and further you devalue our currency, and now you kill our economy. You are without a doubt the worst president this nation has seen.


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